Physicians and specialists certified in Lifestyle Medicine are trained to use whole-person, evidence-based lifestyle prescriptions to prevent, treat, and, when used intensively, to reverse these conditions (Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (ITLC)).

พญ. กรพร สถิตวิทยานันท์
From working in the field of body care and cosmetic surgery for almost ten years, I have seen many cases where patients misunderstood diet and health care to maintain a good figure after liposuction. I found that weight control or maintaining a figure is difficult and challenging for some patients. This was the starting point that made me decide to study more about holistic health care and found a science called Lifestyle Medicine.
Good health does not come from diet or exercise alone. It also includes adequate sleep, stress management, reducing risky behaviors such as smoking, and creating a society with good relationships and support. This was the turning point that made me decide to create a society to promote health under the name Viva Lifestyle Medicine.
By using this concept in my own daily life and those around me, my life and those around me have clearly changed. I have developed myself to a balanced lifestyle, have better health, sleep better, and have more confidence. It is like my life has truly changed from the inside out.
I intend to create this resource with the aim of providing knowledge, inspiration, and a space for exchanging experiences, sharing stories, and advice from our experiences. I hope that what I have created can help people around me have a better quality of life, have sustainable and positive changes for ourselves, those around us, and our society, and help make the world a better place.